B2B trade and consumer PR for GORE-TEX®

Trade PR to support sales

Trade & Technical/B2B
Media Relations
We worked with W.L. Gore & Associates, the maker of GORE-TEX® technology, on UK communications for its European PR strategy.  Our team also provided strong English copywriting to generate material for the GORE-TEX® global communications effort. We implemented trade PR activity to reach industry decision makers and prospective brand partners with news of Gore’s latest innovations, alongside consumer PR to target potential customers in the outdoors market. Using our knowledge of the B2B and B2C sectors, we adapted the corporate PR programme and tailored it for the UK, ensuring that we effectively communicated Gore’s company background and values to an audience mostly unfamiliar with it.
Pagoda produced materials for Gore’s global PR programme. Understanding the wide variances between cultures and countries around the world, we focused on overarching themes about the company’s impact, rather than regionalising the messaging by being too specific.In the UK, we increased Gore’s profile with its target audiences by achieving news coverage in both trade and consumer titles; coordinating features about new Gore technologies, product innovations and the company’s history; setting up product trials and reviews with media and organising experiential opportunities for influencers, consumers and journalists.
Globally, we produced media materials about new technologies, key messages to shape the worldwide PR programme and a series of blog posts celebrating the company’s milestone anniversary and its history of innovation.